The Sternberg House

This is the first one that I remodeled, and is where I seriously recaught the miniature bug.  But just look at it! Doesn't it just scream out that it needs some serious loving?  The interior was wallpapered and floored in decorative napkins and wrapping paper.  the roof was falling off, and there were stickers.  Poor baby.

Those were pictures of it as it was when I bought it.  Here are some as i start repairing it.  I bought more roof shingles, and matching siding to replace the lost siding.  I also cut in a proper door frame for the front door.

And here is it mostly redone on the inside, but before the baseboards and window trim went in! Also, before the cork flooring in the kitchen.  As you can kind of see, the exterior is now a lovely  green with brown trim.

I love these wall papers!  its Japanese paper, and the prints are gorgeous.  I had that barnyard print for probably 10 years waiting for the right thing to use it on.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am not yet close to the wallpaper stage a a beginning dollhouse/miniature person!
